Saturday 27 March 2010

Musical Portrait

I’ve got an MA interview on Monday. Gulp. It’s loomed a bit like a spectre over this weekend, sending me into a slight panic as to my proficiency/wordiness/life skills in general. Aside from extremely complicated logistics navigating myself from deepest darkest Devon during the commuter witching hour to the deepest darkest part of East London, one of the things I’ve been asked to do is a pen portrait of someone who’s influenced me. Several chewed pens later and I think I’ve got it, though I’m not going to share it on the hyperspace of the interweb. Ha.

I am however going to share with you a “music portrait” of someone who, aside from demanding a mention on here, has been a guiding angel overflowing with music gems she occasionally lets fall from her grasp into my sweaty palms. I’m going to share a few of them here with you. Happy now Kathy?

Kathy very sweetly gave me her beautifully titled “I want some peace now please” Spotify playlist to help get through the arduous times that tend to comprise working in the university library, featuring the glorious Bon Iver in liberal amounts, the Postal Service and Simon and Garfunkel among others. However, in terms of sheer cheesiness melting into spine-tingling ballad-y goodness, you can’t get much better than Celine. In Las Vegas. Oh yes, I went there.

Let’s get washed away with some epic, blood curdling Quebecois hollering.

Continuing in this vein of divas bringing out the uplifting power ballad, I feel it’s an appropriate point to turn to the Queen herself, Madonna, in her slightly Gothic, late ‘90s, edgy phase.

Not only does this song feature on the aforementioned playlist, but it was also a soundtrack to my time well spent in France. Many an afternoon spent clutching a can of cidre and watching the sun drift hazily over the snow capped Alps were soundtracked by this haunting music. Lovely strings.

Of course, the musical portrait can’t be all slow and introspective. A moment spent with Kathy is a moment spent in roughly 1987, which is why The Cure had to be included. Massive thanks have to go to her for sharing this delicious little number with me; Robert Plant’s yowling vocals over the irresistible 80s beats makes for great times and I love the intensely melancholic video juxtaposed with the joie de vivre of the song. Put this on and guarantee a smile.

In no way is this meant to be a summary of what music Kat always listens to; rather its more what I can glean off her exhaustive list, which is probably why I’m going to finish things off on what I would consider a high and what she would consider a complete tune, even though it's not Kate Bush. It is, however, an amazing recipe for success. Take one boyband, add a banging drum machine and a breathy “break it down” bit and Bob’s your uncle.

As Kathy would say; “I’m not going to lie to you, it’s pretty immense.”

© Miranda Thompson 2010
DISCLAIMER: The video links hosted on my blog are not being presented as my own. If you believe that the copyright in your work has been violated through this post, please contact me through the blog.

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